Media Mentions

Public Discourse

The Patriotism We Need: Principled and Spirited

A timely book on the thought of Harry Jaffa and Walter Berns reminds us that patriotism needs to be about ideas and principles, but it cannot only be about ideas and principles. To win—and deserve to win—elections, conservatism must also inspire love of country and serve the immediate interests of the ordinary man...

Washington Free Beacon

The God of Abraham

People who met Abraham Lincoln for the first time were charmed by his open-handed and affable manner, easy, humorous, and unassuming. Those who knew him better understood that behind the likability lurked a depth, a remoteness, a firmly closed door that only a few were allowed to open. Lincoln once spoke of friendship as the greatest boon of life; yet, he had few real friends whom he drew into close confidence. Partly, this was a matter of prudence. Lincoln was a politician, and he had learned early on that a politician did himself no favors by putting all his cards on the table. Partly, it was a matter of temperament. He was not one of those genial souls who enjoyed self-revelation. And on no point was his prudence, and his temperament, more on guard than on the subject of religion...

Princeton Alumni Weekly

What the Civil War Cost Princeton

On the eve of the war, there were 122 colleges and universities in the United States, with Yale being the largest with 447 students and 24 faculty. Princeton came in sixth (just behind the relatively new University of Michigan) with 273 students and 18 faculty. Surprisingly, four years of civil war did little to depress the prosperity of Northern colleges. But Princeton was the big exception...

Chronicles Magazine

Don’t Rock the Boat, I’m Counting My Money

Only an extremist would suggest that a political consultant using a book review to promote certain establishment politicians proves exactly what one contributor to Gottfried’s book, Pedro Gonzalez, describes as the need for “counterrevolution.”

The American Conservative

Arms Must Cede

Senate Democrats, the military industrial complex, and Washington Post columnist Max Boot are desperate to preserve the military’s unrestricted stranglehold on general and flag officer selection and promotion. Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama's hold on nearly 300 general officer promotions is rooted in righteous indignation over the military’s use of taxpayer dollars to pay for servicemembers’ and dependents’ abortion-related services. This is a good enough reason to support Senator Tuberville, but the root of the establishment’s indignation runs much deeper—to the very core of how the Pentagon avoids responsiveness to civilian leaders...

The Catholic Thing

‘Dobbs’ a Year Later: The Lady in the Hat and the Vase

We’re at the first anniversary now of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Center, when six conservative justices fulfilled the hopes nurtured over 50 years and finally overruled Roe v. Wade.  I was as pleased as any of my friends to see the Court slay that Great White Whale. But I was working and writing in the pro-life movement, along with friends such as Michael Uhlmann and John Noonan, before Roe v. Wade. And even my friends on the Supreme Court will acknowledge that the Court did not accomplish, in Dobbs, what we had set out 50 years ago to accomplish...

Public Discourse

The Making of Juneteenth

The principal irony of Juneteenth is that slavery was still a legal institution in the United States on June 19, 1865—if not in Texas because of the Emancipation Proclamation, then certainly in Kentucky and Delaware, where slavery would not be blotted out until the ratification of the thirteenth amendment. This would not, however, be the only irony in the history of American emancipation, and certainly not the last...

American Greatness

Conservatives and Our Queer Constitution

For the last 50 years, the Republican Party has professed the family to be, as its election-year platforms state, “the foundation of the social order” (The Platform of 1980), “society’s central core of energy” (2000), and “the foundation for a free society” (2016). Much ink has been spilled. Billions of dollars have been spent. Organizations have been formed. Yet conservative opposition to the sexual revolution has amounted to very little. In fact, things seem only to get worse: birth rates have declined; more children are born outside of wedlock; divorce has increased; and more people live together outside of marriage...